T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia is characterised by a persistent mild leucocytosis and the presence of neoplastic large granular lymphocytes. Peripheral blood smear shows two large granular lymphocytes (blue arrows) with abundant clear cytoplasm containing prominent coarse azurophilic granules. The shape of the nucleus is irregular, nuclear chromatin is dense, nucleoli are not visible.
For cutouts of peripheral blood smear picture show large lymphocytes with oval or irregular shapes of nuclei. Nucleoli are not visible. The abundant slightly basophilic cytoplasm contains various types of azurophilic granules (red arrows). The granules are mostly coarse, but very fine azurophilic granulation is seen in rare cases of the microgranular variant of T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (green arrow). Vacuolisation of the cytoplasm may be observed (yellow arrow).
Atlas of Haematological Cytology [online]. 2016 [cit. 2025-2-17]. Available from WWW: http://www.leukemia-cell.org/atlas.
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